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The Oleifico Podda works in Sardinia. This is the land of the nuraghi, where every place bears the traces of our ancestors. Here we finf the walls of the most imposing of the nuragic fotresses, "Su Nuraxi", and the more recent medieval castles during Sardinia's period of independence. Around these signs of history and grandeur, olive trees stand guard, the green witnesses of the labour and lives that flow trhough the history of humankind.
Here, peoplehave been growing olives, pressing them the same day-which lead to an understanding of the values which many today are learning to appreciate.
Terra dei Nuraghi olive oil comes from Sardinian Olives: Bosane, Tonde di Cagliari and Pitz'e Carroga, gathered here in our terrirory. For all these reasons our oli must be so good, controlled as it is with such scrupulousness: it is heir to a grat tradition, because this is the land of nuraghi, but also the land of olive trees.

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OLEIFICIO PODDA s.a.s. - Zona Artigianale USSARAMANNA (CA) - Tel/Fax + 39 0783 95414